Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hotel Online Reservation System

The Hotel Online Reservation System are designed to enables internet guest to check room availability, confirm the rooms in “real-time” and proceed with payment immediately without having to bother with time-consuming emails and faxes between guests and your reservation staff.
  • Saves valuable time, and cuts costsAvailability checks and instant confirmations eliminate email exchanges between guests and your reservations department. Valuable reservations staff time is saved because reservation requests will no longer have to be processed. Guests can check availability and book instantly, thus closing a booking without having to wait for your reservations staff to confirm a room by email.
  • The rates, availability etc on your website are real-time – The reservation system will directly point to your hotel server.
  • Reliability and efficiencyGuests find the Internet reservations system easy-to-follow, with uncluttered screens and prompts. Reservations & payment details will be updated directly to E-Soft Hotel Management System.
  • No third party involvement – No third party involve in taking order online except payment gateway provider which help you to accept Credit Card payment.
  • Stay ahead of your competitorsWith the growing trend towards Internet-based hotel bookings across the industry, online hotel bookings from websites are increasing dramatically. The Hotel Online Reservation System ensures that you are at the forefront of this industry bookings trend.
Software Features
  • Link from your existing website.
  • Instantly check room rate & room availability by guests.
  • Online room reservation page by guest.
  • Payment Processing by Payment Gateway Provider.
  • Update E-Soft Hotel Management System for successful reservation.

Yield Management And Hotel Software

When a hotelier is approached by a “yield-management specialist,” it is usually a short time before the wonders and value of computer tools and systems are discussed.
Discussions of yield management appear to be inextricably linked to computer systems and their capabilities of forecasting demand, optimizing reservation-inventory allocations, and limiting discount availability.
Yield management is neither a computer system nor a set of mathematical techniques. It is an approach to increasing revenues and improving service by responding to current demand. It is a process, a way of conducting business.
Certainly, computer-based tools can be a key component of a yield-management program. The full range of the benefits of yield management will not be achieved without computer-based tools that do the following: forecast demand, cancellation, and no-show activity; determine when to restrict the sale of discounts; estimate the revenue displacement of transient demand caused by a group; recommend and control reservation availability on the basis of length of stay and daily rate; and perform many other actions that could not otherwise be effectively carried out.
But other yield-management practices can be implemented with little or no investment in computer resources. Upselling programs, enhanced scripting for reservations agents that enables them to be more-effective sales agents, revised performance measures, and marketing programs and packages that produce incremental revenue gains are a few of those actions.
Some hotels can carry out those business processes better than others because of the way they monitor employee actions and customer purchasing behavior and identify and communicate the actions of hotel staff members.
Although yield-management decision making may be supported by sophisticated mathematical modeling, yield-management programs also involve other elements, for example:
• Education and training,
• An appropriately designed and delivered product, and
• Corporate policies and procedures that encourage revenue enhancement.
Those three areas must be addressed in a coordinated manner when developing or enhancing a yield-management program. Focusing too heavily on any one of them will lead to an unbalanced program that will not produce anticipated benefits. Employees must be able to learn from their decisions—information-feedback mechanisms are critical. As a yield-management program
becomes more sophisticated, so too will the feedback mechanisms.
One concept of yield management that has proved successful focuses on offering a
product at multiple prices, differentiating the price by some service or purchase characteristic at
each price point. Many hotels have had trouble implementing yield management because they have failed to modify their product appropriately. The customer wants each product to have only one price.
When you go into a store, a product sells for a single price. You either buy it or you don’t. (It is interesting to note that many car dealers in the United States are finding that customer satisfaction is increasing as they move toward selling new cars by promoting prices that are nonnegotiable. Several hotel chains are now beginning to follow suit.)
On the other hand, when you call some hotels and are quoted a price, if it is too high, you will be quoted additional lower prices—often for the same room and without any service variations. Why? If a hotel offers multiple prices for the same room, the rates need to be differentiated. Effective market segmentation is critical. These questions need to be answered:
What types of customers will purchase the product?
What value do they place on it?
How do the purchase needs and behaviors of the market segments differ?
Airlines have differentiated their product on the basis of purchase and service restrictions such as
refundability, advance-purchase requirements, and Saturday-night-stay requirements.
Hotels that offer multiple prices for a room must do the same. The particular service characteristics may differ from the airline approach, or even among hotel chains. But consumers must understand why the same room can cost either $69 or $169.
Policies and procedures.
Corporate policies and procedures should be designed to encourage revenue enhancement. One firm had a performance-measurement system with multiple monthly goals. As the end of the month approached, employees’ behavior would often change to reflect their progress toward achieving each of the goals.
The end-of-the-month behavior, while maximizing an employee’s compensation, did not maximize the firm’s revenue. Changes in the performance measures have helped reduce the problem.
Senior managers at another firm were acutely aware that accepting reservations beyond capacity
resulted in unaccommodated customers. But they did not know how much additional revenue was
generated by overbooking.
Personnel in the yield-management department received several directives to reduce over-booking
levels. During a review of the company’s yield-management practices, departmental procedures
to constrain the overbooking levels were identified, and their implications were discussed with
senior management. The revenue implications of the constraining procedures were estimated. When senior management learned how much revenue loss was associated with its directives, changes were instituted, overbooking levels were pushed to a higher level, and revenues increased.
Technical models.
Using the right technical models is critical in identifying the right actions to take. A hotel-casino stopped using available yield-management computer software because management believed that the software was making incorrect recommendations. The management was correct: the software did not consider the value of gaming revenue when making recommendations about room-rate
The software was useful to the free-standing hotels in the hotel chain, but not to hotels with casinos. The management of the hotel-casino was right to stop using the software, but it was
mistaken in its belief that yield-management concepts did not apply to its business.
Because yield management is a business process, it would be unwise to say that the tail (yield
management) should wag the entire dog (the hotel). One hotel chain reportedly spent more than a million dollars on yield-management software. During its implementation, however, the hotel
company’s managers realized that the software did not meet the operating needs of many of the
chain’s hotels. The chain is currently working to replace the software with a yield-management
program that better meets the actual needs of its hotels. Hoteliers are well advised to think and plan ahead before selecting yield-management software.

When a hotelier is approached by a “yield-management specialist,” it is usually a short time before the wonders and value of computer tools and systems are discussed.
Discussions of yield management appear to be inextricably linked to computer systems and theircapabilities of forecasting demand, optimizing reservation-inventory allocations, and limiting discount availability.
Yield management is neither a computer system nor a set of mathematical techniques. It is anapproach to increasing revenues and improving service by responding to current demand. It is a process, a way of conducting business.
Certainly, computer-based tools can be a key component of a yield-management program. Thefull range of the benefits of yield management will not be achieved without computer-based tools that do the following: forecast demand, cancellation, and no-show activity; determine when to restrict the sale of discounts; estimate the revenue displacement of transient demand caused by a group; recommend and control reservation availability on the basis of length of stay and daily rate; and perform many other actions that could not otherwise be effectively carried out.
But other yield-management practices can be implemented with little or no investment in computerresources. Upselling programs, enhanced scripting for reservations agents that enables them to bemore-effective sales agents, revised performance measures, and marketing programs and packages that produce incremental revenue gains are a few of those actions.
Some hotels can carry out those business processes better than others because of the way theymonitor employee actions and customer purchasing behavior and identify and communicate theactions of hotel staff members.
Although yield-management decision making may be supported by sophisticated mathematicalmodeling, yield-management programs also involve other elements, for example:• Education and training,• An appropriately designed and delivered product, and• Corporate policies and procedures that encourage revenue enhancement.
Those three areas must be addressed in a coordinated manner when developing or enhancing ayield-management program. Focusing too heavily on any one of them will lead to an unbalancedprogram that will not produce anticipated benefits. Employees must be able to learn from theirdecisions—information-feedback mechanisms are critical. As a yield-management programbecomes more sophisticated, so too will the feedback mechanisms.
Product. One concept of yield management that has proved successful focuses on offering aproduct at multiple prices, differentiating the price by some service or purchase characteristic ateach price point. Many hotels have had trouble implementing yield management because they have failed to modify their product appropriately. The customer wants each product to have only one price.
When you go into a store, a product sells for a single price. You either buy it or you don’t. (It is interesting to note that many car dealers in the United States are finding that customer satisfaction is increasing as they move toward selling new cars by promoting prices that are nonnegotiable. Several hotel chains are now beginning to follow suit.)
On the other hand, when you call some hotels and are quoted a price, if it is too high, you will be quoted additional lower prices—often for the same room and without any service variations. Why? If a hotel offers multiple prices for the same room, the rates need to be differentiated. Effective market segmentation is critical. These questions need to be answered:What types of customers will purchase the product? What value do they place on it? How do the purchase needs and behaviors of the market segments differ?
Airlines have differentiated their product on the basis of purchase and service restrictions such asrefundability, advance-purchase requirements, and Saturday-night-stay requirements.
Hotels that offer multiple prices for a room must do the same. The particular service characteristics may differ from the airline approach, or even among hotel chains. But consumers must understand why the same room can cost either $69 or $169.
Policies and procedures.Corporate policies and procedures should be designed to encourage revenue enhancement. One firm had a performance-measurement system with multiple monthly goals. As the end of the month approached, employees’ behavior would often change to reflect their progress toward achieving each of the goals.
The end-of-the-month behavior, while maximizing an employee’s compensation, did not maximize the firm’s revenue. Changes in the performance measures have helped reduce the problem.
Senior managers at another firm were acutely aware that accepting reservations beyond capacityresulted in unaccommodated customers. But they did not know how much additional revenue wasgenerated by overbooking.
Personnel in the yield-management department received several directives to reduce over-bookinglevels. During a review of the company’s yield-management practices, departmental proceduresto constrain the overbooking levels were identified, and their implications were discussed withsenior management. The revenue implications of the constraining procedures were estimated. When senior management learned how much revenue loss was associated with its directives, changes were instituted, overbooking levels were pushed to a higher level, and revenues increased.
Technical models. Using the right technical models is critical in identifying the right actions to take. A hotel-casino stopped using available yield-management computer software because management believed that the software was making incorrect recommendations. The management was correct: the software did not consider the value of gaming revenue when making recommendations about room-rateavailability.
The software was useful to the free-standing hotels in the hotel chain, but not to hotels with casinos. The management of the hotel-casino was right to stop using the software, but it wasmistaken in its belief that yield-management concepts did not apply to its business.
Because yield management is a business process, it would be unwise to say that the tail (yieldmanagement) should wag the entire dog (the hotel). One hotel chain reportedly spent more than a million dollars on yield-management software. During its implementation, however, the hotelcompany’s managers realized that the software did not meet the operating needs of many of thechain’s hotels. The chain is currently working to replace the software with a yield-managementprogram that better meets the actual needs of its hotels. Hoteliers are well advised to think and plan ahead before selecting yield-management software.

When is Yield Management Appropriate in Hotel Management?

The intelligent use of yield management principles can be used to increase bottom line profitability in any service industry possessing the following characteristics:
· Demand for the service can be divided into distinct market segments and price elasticity varies among the customer segments.
· The capacity supply is relatively fixed and it is costly or impractical to add or subtract inventory in the short run.
· The inventory is perishable and cannot be stored to be sold at a later date.
· The marginal cost of selling an additional unit of inventory is low.
· The service is ordered in advance of its delivery / consumption.
· Demand for the service fluctuates and cannot be predicted with a high degree of certainty.
· The physically (not commercially) identical product can be sold to different market segments for different prices under different booking conditions.
Clearly, hotel rooms fit that product / service profile
1. Demand can be segmented into business and pleasure segments using discount rate restrictions.
2. Hotels have a fixed number of rooms and cannot add 100 rooms when a major convention is in town.
3. Hotels cannot sell last night’s unsold rooms today.
4. The marginal cost of cleaning and making up a room plus incremental supplies and utilities is low relative to the additional revenue, generated by a unit sale.
5. Reservations for rooms are accepted days, weeks and months in advance (even years for major conventions).
6. The demand for hotel rooms exhibits regular seasonal and day-of-week patterns, but cannot be forecasted precisely for any particular night.
7. Different, demand driven inventory controlled rates, combined with segment-specific booking restrictions (fencing), are at the core of modern Yield Management applications.
In order to fulfill the requirements of the hotels operators, it is essential that the Hotel Management Software shall support the control & management of the Yield Management of the hotels.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Hotel Kiosk Check-In System

E-Soft Hotel Kiosk Check-In System is designed for guests to self check in to their hotel rooms. Utilizing the self-service technology,
the system will bring a new level of comfort and convenience to hotels and their guests. It will not only will enhance guest satisfaction, but also reduce the workload of the hotel front desk staff.
Easy To Use Self Check In For Hotel Guest
On arrival, guests register at the kiosk and receive their room key. System will read MyKad or Reservation Number or I/C Passport Number to Check-in guest.
Gain time
With the kiosk, you offer an innovative service: available 24/7. The kiosk is the alternative to queues at reception. The scenario is user friendly and easy to use, adding comfort to the user.
Client satisfaction
Energizing the company’s brand image, the kiosk is the answer to today’s society increasing demand for speed, autonomy and comfort.

Refer to http://www.e-soft.com.my for more information on Hotel Management System

Hotel JJ Boutique in Kuala Lumpur

New hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – Hotel JJ Boutique

Hotel JJ Boutique, Kuala Lumpur

Izumi Hotel - Kuala Lumpur

Izumi Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

E-Soft Hotel Management System Features

E-Soft Hotel Management System Features

1. System Architecture – Client & Server BasedThe Client & Server Based Architecture provide the following advantages:

a. Database security – easy to manage the security because policy make in server & apply to all clients. The powerful date encryption & decryption of the database & password protection will help to protect the data.

b. High Performance – The speed is fast due to Table & Index Partitioning, Ultra Fast Load Utilities, Distinctive Memory Cache & Full Text Indexes.

c. Scalability – Able to handle massive database, terabytes of information & allows server connection via Local Area Network (LAN) or Wide Area Network (WAN).

d. Easy To Backup – Easy to backup using either Server Mirroring or our E-Soft Auto Backup System. Auto Pilot schedule backup features are available.

2. Security System – Powerful and easy to use security system makes software features invisible for users who don’t have access to them.Every user will has a unique User ID & Password, and system will be able to track the activities carried out by each users in our Audit Trial modules.The Audit Trial will track the Date & Time for every record which have been added, edited or deleted into the Hotel Management System. It also will shows the before & after changes transaction.

3. User Friendly Interface – Users can ease learning fears by making the system appear to be very user friendly by “Right Click” to drill down to information they required.

4. Group Management & OperationThe complex operation is made very easy here. With essential minimum of entry, one can complete the entire group check in with a single click. Payment and charges can be easily assigned to multiple rooms from the same familiar interface.

5. Hotel Door Lock IntegrationE-Soft Hotel Management System can easily be integrated with a key card door lock encoder. Upon checking in, hotel front desk will be able to create a door lock key card in Check In module, which will valid only during guest’s stay.Return key will be updated in the E-Soft Hotel Management System, and the system also provide recycle key card & read key card function.These cards can be used for door access to the hotel.

6. Quick Check In with MykadIn the busy hours of check out, check in, usually front desk staff finds little time to complete guest information. Our software has come out with a fast solution. The data can be captured through guest’s identity card with a Mykad Reader directly without keying. The data captured including the I/C No., Name, Address, Gender, Race & even the photo of the guest.

7. PABX Call Billing IntegrationThe E-Soft Hotel Management System allows integration to PABX Call Billing System. E-Soft Call Billing System is one of the most widely-used call billing systems in the hotel industry, due to its innovative features, easy-to-use Windows interface and unparalleled tools for reporting, billing and managing administrative from guest phone calls.All telephone calls made from a hotel room are automatically charged to the room. The most common charging method is by the number of spent telephone impulses, or by area codes. All telephone charges can be billed on the room or individual guest. The PABX Call Billing System will automatically charge the guest’s calls to the hotel room before the guest check out.Software Features:Automatic call posting to the E-Soft Hotel Management System and internal storage of callsReal-time call tracking and reportingCustom define the call rate by call type (Local Call, Mobile Phone or Oversea Call)Easy install and useCompatible with all major hotel PBX systemsCurrent call reportsSupport COM Port or TCP/IP connection to PABX server.

8. Environmental Friendly (Built in Email & SMS toward Paperless Management)Recently, more and more hotels are pursuing green business practice by eliminate paper usage in the daily operation. The reason is not only because it is environmental friendly, but also enjoyed a substantial cost saving with paperless management.E-Soft Hotel Management System built in the Email & Text SMS features in line with the implementation of paperless management.Confirmation Letter for room reservation can be sent out directly to the guest through E-Mail by clicking the Send Email button.A text message to confirm the guest booking with reservation details can also be sent out to the guest hand phone. System prompt the default text with guest reservation information, but hotel front desk still can do some editing to the text.

9. Event ManagementEvent Management is an integral part of the hotel business, where meetings, seminars and dinner functions require close attention to diverse customer demands. Planning and co-ordination of the property services and resources are crucial for staging such events and necessitate access to detailed information including dissemination to the respective departments.An effective event management solution which manages both the smooth operation of the business and also automates the sales process is simply a necessity in this competitive and fast-paced era.The key factors ensuring future success are:Efficient inquiry-handling and tracking of sales activities.Excellent calendar management to make the fastest decisions on availability.Reliable guest information on bookings, preferences, and billing dataThe Event Management module in E-Soft Hotel Management System is an automated module that manages all aspects of events including:Event Reservation & Marketing – Prepare Performa Invoice, Event Booking & Deposit Collection.Maintaining the guest information for the event.Guest room reservation & room assignment according to guest list provided.Function Room or Hall Reservation.Food & Beverage Reservation.Event Arrangement by department, eg. Maintenance Dept, House Keeping, Front Desk & etc.Generate the Event Order.Billing & Invoicing.Event Calendar show the reservation status by calendar day. Double click on the Event No. to view the Event Reservation page.Hall Reservation shows the hall booking status by date & time. Double click on the Event tab to access the Hall Reservation details.

10. SMS Broad Casting MarketingSMS Marketing is a rapidly growing marketing technique that is widely available to a broad range of consumers. SMS stands for Short Messaging Service and is more commonly known as text messaging, mobile messaging, or alphanumeric paging. Bulk SMS is the sending of a mass SMS text message to your guest list of mobile devices, usually cell phones. Also known as wireless marketing, bulk SMS is gaining in popularity with most of the world’s largest companies finding it a useful and cost-effective means of reaching consumers.SMS marketing is a cost-effective method of reaching your visitors with messages such as:Promotion PackagesFestival Greeting MessageReminders of bookingsReminders of check in timesPackage Upsells – offers, menus etcTarget specific guests at specific times with specific messagesIncrease personal relationship with guests.

Hotel Call Billing System

E-Soft Call Billing System is one of the most widely-used call billing systems in the hotel industry, due to its innovative features, easy-to-use Windows interface and unparalleled tools for reporting, billing and managing administrative from guest phone calls.

If you use E-Soft Hotel Management System, the Call Accounting Software will automatically charge the guest’s calls to the hotel room before the guest check out.

Software Features:

  • Automatic call posting to the E-Soft Hotel Management System and internal storage of calls
  • Real-time call tracking and reporting
  • Custom define the call rate by call type (Local Call, Mobile Phone or Oversea Call)
  • Easy install and use
  • Compatible with all major hotel PBX systems
  • Current call reports
  • Parallel printer capabilities


Read more on Hotel Management System at http://www.hotels-softwares.com

Hotel Door Locks System

Today’s hoteliers expect much more than a lock that keeps their doors securely shut. The Electronic Hotel Door Locks System, with its smart card capability, is the building block to a competitive hotel security system. It provides the hotel with unparalleled reliability today and unlocks the potential of the smart card applications tomorrow.

Since the 1970s, the hotel industry has moved toward the use of electronic Hotel Door Locks System due to the risk that traditional keys can be lost and copied. In fact, the security needs of the hotel industry prompted the development of technologically advanced electronic locks in many ways.

Hotel Door Locks System is specially designed and developed on the basis of lock manufacture experiences during past ten years, information feedback from typical users among hundreds of thousand clients, and development trend of such trade in future. Hotel Door Locks System, integrating the technology of precision machinery, computer, microelectronic and modern IT, is one of the Hotel Door Locks System with the highest level of safety and reliability up to present Along with intuitive friendly software interface and simple operation.

The functions of the Hotel Door Locks System:-

Function of self-diagnosis: digital display in deduction zone helps implement sound operations and eliminate problems.

Function of suite: applicable for specially designed house layout (for instance room in room or villa).

Function of public gate: applicable for public facilities of guests e.g. swimming pool, underground park etc.

Function of time limit: The card can be set with an expiration time. After that, the door cannot be opened by this card.

Function of room reservation: The card can be preset to be usable beginning at a certain time, which is convenient for group reservations.

Function of emergency: The emergency card can be used to open the door at any time under every condition.

Function of free entrance: The free entrance card enables the door to stay open at certain time, which is convenient for places such as conference rooms, offices and so on.

Function of No-Disturbing: By turning the inside switch, the lock can be set with no disturbing function. When the door is opened from outside by the waitress, a warning will be given immediately.

Function of automatic detection: If this function is enabled, a warning will be given when the door is not securely locked, reminding the guest to lock the door firmlyFunction of low-battery alarm: under low battery conditions, an alarm will be given when the managerial staff tries to open the door. The door can still be opened for at least fifty times under such condition.

Function of VIP first: A VIP guest can use his/her VIP card not only to open the room door of his/her room, but also to be accessible to other places such as the health club and the entertainment center.

Type Of Hotel Door Locks:

1. RFID MIFARE Door Locks – It is a keyless deadbolt door lock that uses contactless technologies to secure doorways for a wide variety of applications. This lock series has been labeled as the most secure way to seal a door. With the reliability of RFID technology, it is widely used in hotels, housing complexes, office buildings, homes and more.

2. Magnetic Strip Door Locks – Magnetic strip technology has made data storage, collection and processing more convenient and secure. Products containing these strips, such as cards and tickets, contain information that is secure while still easily edited with the correct magnetic stripe software and equipment, and can replace papers, other cards, and even keys.

Contact us for more information at http://www.e-soft.com.my

Hotel I Boutique, Petaling jaya

Newly launched hotel in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia – Hotel I Boutique.

Hotel I Boutique @ Petaling Jaya, Malaysia